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Browse Authority record

Name Type
Church of Scotland Corporate body
Church of Scotland Guild Corporate body
Church of St Moluag, Scottish Episcopal Church, Eoropie, Isle of Lewis Corporate body
Civil Aviation Authority Corporate body
Claddach Kirkibost School Corporate body
Cladh Hallan cemetery, South Uist Corporate body
Clan Donald Lands Trust, 1971- Corporate body
Co-Chomunn an Iochdair Ltd, Isle of South Uist Corporate body
Co-Chomunn na Pairc, Kershader, Isle of Lewis Corporate body
Co-Chomunn Nis Corporate body
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Corporate body
Commissioners for Northern Lighthouses Corporate body
Commissioners for Roads & Bridges: Ross & Cromarty Corporate body
Comunn Eachdraidh Uibhist a Tuath Corporate body
Comunn Gaidhealach, An Corporate body
Comunn na Gaidhlig Corporate body
Congested Districts Board Corporate body
Coulregrein House Sub-Committee of Management Corporate body
Counties of Ross & Cromarty Corporate body
Counties of Ross & Cromarty: Commissioners of Supply Corporate body
Craigston School Corporate body
Crofters Commission, 1886-1955 Corporate body
Crofters Commission, 1955-2012 Corporate body
Cromore School Corporate body
Cross School Corporate body
Crowlista School Corporate body
Crulivig School Corporate body
D D Morrison & Co, 1935-2007, electrical retailers, Stornoway Corporate body
D MacGillivray & Co Ltd, Balivanich, Benbecula Corporate body
Daliburgh Hospital Corporate body
Daliburgh School Corporate body
Department for Agriculture and Fisheries in Scotland
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland Corporate body
Dick, L F, Gaelic Advisor Person
Dòmhnallach, Domhnull Ruadh, Gaelic poet Person
Donald MacDonald (Dòmhnall MacDhòmhnaill) (8 May 1912-23 May 1989) Person
Donald R Morrison Person
Dorothy Quincy McWharrie Person
Dr J L Robertson Bequest Corporate body
Dr J L Robertson Bequest Corporate body
Drinishader School Corporate body
Dun Berisay Sub-Committee of Management Corporate body
Duncarloway School Corporate body
Dundas Robert Saunders-,1771-1851, 2nd Viscount Melville statesman Person
East Gerinish School Corporate body
Eirig Churaidh (Effie Currie) known as Oighrig Ruadh or Oighrig Eòghainn Person
Eirig Churaidh (Effie Currie) known as Oighrig Ruadh or Oighrig Eòghainn
Elizabeth Haldane Hostel, boys hostel, Stornoway Corporate body
Eoligarry School Corporate body
Eriskay School Corporate body
Results 51 to 100 of 445


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